Today we have another blog post from one of our volunteer guides, Alan Luxton. Alan is a wealth of knowledge – ask him a question about one of the early European captains or navigators and he will know the answer. This short blog post looks at his other interests however. We hope you like it.
When I was about fifteen I went to see The Mikado, my first Gilbert & Sullivan operetta in London.
I thought it was a load of rubbish.
When I was about twenty-six I migrated to Australia and lived in Melbourne.
When I was about thirty I went to see The Mikado again at St Ignatius church hall in Richmond.
I thought it was wonderful.
When I was about thirty-six and living in East Brighton I went to the local church St Marks one night. The Gilbert & Sullivan Society of Victoria concert party were putting on a show.
I thought it was fantastic.
When I was about thirty-seven I joined the Society. I’m not a singer or an actor so I ended up becoming Front of house coordinator.
What a great job, I got to see all the shows, for free. Consequently I pretty well know every word.
When I was about seventy I moved to Tasmania so had to leave the Society.
How I miss it.
Now I’m eighty-one, and when I cycle long distances of which I’m fond of doing, I sing to myself all the G&S songs that I can remember and the miles just fly past.
When at home I play the song I couldn’t remember.
I can’t help feeling sorry for the young people of today who do not know the joys of G & S.
By Alan Luxton